Why collaborate with GREY?

  1. Increase exposure to your personal brand
  2. Join a gang of entrepreneurs, hustlers, and game-changers just like you
  3. Share your personal story with our fans worldwide
  4. Get free streetwear and discount for your fans
  5. A chance to feature on our magazine, and social media channels

How it works:

  1. Order your FREE (Signature Red Box Logo Tee (Ver.3) - Spring 2020 Collection ) with your provided insider code. 
  2. Once the order is received, post one video IG Story, and one permanent post.
  3. Email style@discovergrey.com your original photos and videos. so you can get a chance to be featured in our feed, website, or poster too!

Story & Post Details:

Instagram Story

You are free to match with whatever styles or brands you’d like with your GREY items. We prefer a video that tells the story rather than a still pic.
@discoverGREYstyle #GREYgang

Instagram Post

Rock out in your own style.
Descriptions share your hustle story in caption.
@discoverGREYstyle #GREYgang


  1. Don’t do a mirror or selfie shot. They will make the word “GREY” in mirrored order
  2. Don’t be boring, we are a brand inspired by the entrepreneurial spirit, so we want you to be creative too. Surprise your audience, level up your game.


Style Ideas (Reference Only)