5 Reasons Elderflowers Are the Stuff of Fantasies

It’s not surprising that the elderflower is a relatively unknown component to great skincare. It sounds like something that should be growing in a mystical forest, and it kind of looks like it too. The flower itself grows on elderberry bushes and is native to North America and northern Europe. Who would have thought the small white flowers had the potential to revitalize skin? dotGREY uses elderflower in it’s WASH | Men's Daily Face Wash to great effect. Here are a few reasons we chose elderflower to be a key component in our skincare:

  1. Super Smoothing. Elderflower has been shown to assist in the evening of skin tone and smoothing of the skin. It’s anti-inflammatory properties also helps keep puffiness at bay.
  2. Anti-Aging. The elderflower’s skin tightening effects help keep wrinkles at bay as you age. As mentioned previously, the skin smoothing effects also lead to the retention of a more youthful look.
  3. Petit Pores. A side effect of the skin smoothing is the reduction of pore size. By shrinking pores down to a healthy size, elderflowers can also limit the possibilities of acne breakouts.
  4. Anti-Anything. Elderflowers have anti-fungal and antimicrobial effects which protect skin from infection and help keep it clear. They also have antioxidants which reduce sun damage an nourish skin.
  5. Applies to Anyone. Elderflower is good for pretty much any skin type. Even people with sensitive skin have reported positive results.


Elderflower has a broad range of positive effects so it’s no surprise that dotGREY likes to use it in our WASH | Men's Daily Face Wash. We hope you’ve gained a bit more appreciation for these seemingly understated flowers.

What do you think about elderflowers? Let us know in the comments below or on social media!


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